Student Name*
FOR SECONDARY STUDENTS: This is the number on the student ID badge but can also be seen in IC student portal next to the student photo
If this is a new entrant, please put parent email
You will receive a receipt of your submission to this address
As of September 2020

POLICIES & CONSENT FORMS - Signatures Required


      FOR PARENTS: As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Computer Network and Internet Acceptable Use Policy (3202.8). I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes and the Oceanside Union Free School District has taken precautions to eliminate controversial material. However, I also recognize it is impossible for the District to restrict access to all controversial materials and I will not hold the District or the Board of Education responsible for materials my child may acquire on the Internet and any charges incurred by me or my child regarding such services will be my responsibility and not the District’s.  I also release the District from any claims and damages of any nature arising from my child’s use or inability to use the system. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my child’s use is not in a school setting. 

    FOR STUDENTS:  I understand and will abide by the Oceanside Union Free School District’s Computer Network and Internet Acceptable Use Policy (3202.8). I further understand that any violation of the District’s policy is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit a violation, my access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary actions may be taken, and/or appropriate legal action.   I understand further that any financial obligation incurred by me or my account will be my responsibility and not the responsibility of the District. 

2) MOBILE DEVICE USER AGREEMENT - The Oceanside Union Free School District (“District”) hereby loans to the undersigned Student one Mobile Device (ie. CHROMEBOOK, IPAD OR OTHER) for the Student’s use during the school year in connection with school-related work, subject to the terms and conditions stated within.

3) PROJECT SAVE CODE OF CONDUCT & BUILDING POLICIES/PROCEDURES: The Oceanside School District values the tradition of a strong school/home connection. With your continued cooperation, our schools can provide the best possible education for our students. We ask that you review the Project SAVE Code of Conduct, as well as the district and building policies, practices and procedures with your student. You should use the district and school website as a resource for information about our schools. 

4) PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEO Statement: In an effort to highlight the many programs and activities in the Oceanside School District, your child’s picture (which will not be accompanied by his or her name) may appear in either a group photo or showcase picture and be electronically displayed by the Oceanside Union Free School District. Teacher certification and professional development endeavors often require recorded classroom instruction. Parents who wish to absent their children from being photographed or included in classroom recordings may send a note to this effect to the student's school building. 

I have read the Policies & Agreements listed above*

Signatures Required

After reviewing the documents listed in and linked to this form, signatures from both Parent and Student are required. Forms must be submitted annually for students in grades K -12. Forms that are not submitted, or indicate disagreement or non-acceptance of the policies or statements within, may result in limited access to or revocation of loaned devices, accounts, and/or network access. Paper forms and/or documents may be requested from your school building to be submitted prior to the start of the school year.

Your signature indicates your understanding and acceptance of the following policies and agreements as listed below.

  • PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEO STATEMENT  - In an effort to highlight the many programs and activities in the Oceanside School District, your child’s picture (which will not be accompanied by his or her name) may appear in either a group photo or showcase picture and be electronically displayed by the Oceanside Union Free School District. Teacher certification and professional development endeavors often require recorded classroom instruction. Parents who wish to absent their children from being photographed or included in classroom recordings may send a note to this effect to the student's school building. 

Parent/Guardian Name*
Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above
Student Name*
SECONDARY STUDENTS ONLY: Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above
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